How To: Book a Table in the Roto

1. To book an event in the rotunda, or other locations on campus, visit:
2. "New Requests"
  • User Name = your email name minus "@" a
  • Password = Bryant  (You can change this later)
3. Fill out "Request Event" information
  • Use "Comment" section if you need to specify room set-up
4. Click "Submit" when form is complete
5. You will receive an initial email stating that your request has been received.
  • Not the same as your request being processed.
6. Once your request has been processed (room has been assigned, or additional information needed), you will receive an email with "Event Summary" attached.
  • Respond to any changes needed
7.  Questions regarding your reservation? Contact University Scheduling (

 Helpful Links:
Today's Events & What's Coming Up:
Instructions for using the R25 Webviewer:
Organizational Policy & Resource Guide: